Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Proven Strategies To Lose Weight Fast And Safe

While there are many methods to lose weight, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous and can create many side effects. Some methods like fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed get you rapid weight loss. However, these methods can cause muscle loss or damage to your heart, liver and/or other organs fairly quickly. Besides, study has shown that the result of losing weight quickly is temporary and you will certainly gain it back what you have lost or even more.

Here, in series of articles, I will explain effective methods with proven track record of results. I have been using these methods on my clients for many years with amazing results. If you follow these instructions, you will be guaranteed to lose weight, one to two pounds per week, safe and effective.

There are two main elements to losing weight effectively:
1. Proper Diet
2. Proper Exercises

More than 60% of your success in losing weight comes from proper diet. The rest come from proper exercises, that is, Cardio and Resistance Training, as depicted in the diagram below.

This diagram is like a jigsaw puzzle. If one piece is missing, losing weight won’t work. It requires all pieces in place for effective weight loss.I will explain how to lose weight, gain muscle and stay fit very effectively by combining these three important elements: Diet, Cardio, and Resistance Training.

Balanced Diet

In order to lose one pound you need to have a 3500 calorie deficit. That is, you need to burn 3500 calories more than your intake. For example, if your metabolism is about 2000 calories per day, by deducting 500 calories per day for seven days, you lose a pound per week. You can speed up your fat loss by having a 700 calorie deficit per day to lose 1 ½ pounds per week.

What you eat, when you eat it and how you prepare it has so much to do with your success in fat loss. For example, a medium sized potato has about 90-100 calories if it is baked and also has good nutrients. On the other hand, when the same potato is mashed or made into French fries, all the nutrients disappear and the calories double. More…


All the cardio activities can burn calories and result in losing weight. However, depending on how much weight you want to lose, you need to put in a reasonable effort and be consistent. You may choose one method or a combination of many methods to do cardio.

There are three elements in a cardio workout that determine how many calories you can burn. These elements are: time, intensity and type of cardio which should be considered based on you age, goal and prior cardio experiences. More…

Resistance Training

Resistance training is one of the most important parts of losing weight if done properly. By doing resistance training, not only do you lose weight, you also build up strength, increase bone density, boost your metabolic rate and best of all you increase your energy level.

Most women think that if they weight lift, they will look bigger and might look like men hence losing their feminine look! In fact, if you know how to work on certain parts of the body, you will look more curvy and feminine. More…


Anonymous said...

Make sure you talk to a fitness expert or a doctor before doing anything extreme, you might hurt yourself more than help.

hendolo said...

Hi Mahnaz, I was reading the forums and I'm having the same problem you recently had with side adsense ads not displaying on the main page, I was wondering how you fixed this?


Anonymous said...

I lost tons of weight by using a product called Phentermine, it's very safe to use and I had ordered it from www.medsheaven.com I recommend this for anyone who wants to lose weight very fast, quickly and easily, best product I've ever tried, it works very well.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys just wanted to share my experience with you guys, I followed the instructions on www.lessenfat.com and it helped me alot. I lost 30 pounds in 45 days. I highly recommend you guys try it.